You wake up in the morning and you heave a sigh of exasperation. It’s cleaning day today.

You said you would deep clean the bathrooms on this day. The day has arrived, but you’d rather be pulling teeth right now or just about anything else besides bathroom cleaning.

You get up and look at your bathroom. Saying it’s a mess is an understatement. What do you clean first? What bathroom cleaning tip do you start with?

We’ve got you covered. Are you ready to learn how to deep clean your bathroom? Keep reading to learn the best bathroom cleaning tips and how to get started.

Gather Your Supplies

You want a clean home, but you’re not sure where to begin. Before you start your bathroom cleaning task, you’ll want to gather the necessary tools and cleaners.

Here is a general list of what you will need to get started:

  • Glass cleaner
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Toilet/bathroom cleaner
  • White vinegar
  • Cleaning gloves
  • Toilet brush
  • Broom and dustpan
  • Mop
  • Duster
  • Rags or microfiber towels
  • Brush for cleaning tiles
  • Sponges
  • A bucket
  • Anti-bacterial wipes

Got everything you need? Let’s get to cleaning!

Remove Any Clutter

Now that you’ve got your supplies, first thing is to declutter and get your space ready. Remove all linens including towels and bathroom mats. You can also remove your shower curtain to make room for cleaning the tub.

Check the labels on these items, and if they’re machine washable, you can wash them. Pick up anything off the floor including the trash can.

On the sink or vanity, remove any items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, or mouthwash. In your shower, remove the shampoo and body wash bottles. If you have a shower caddy or organizer, place your shower items there.

Tackle the Shower

If you haven’t cleaned your shower in a while, this is where you can start.

Start with the showerhead. Fill a bag up with white vinegar and submerge the showerhead. Tie and secure the bag in place and leave it overnight to soak.

Spray your tub with a bathroom cleaner. Let the cleaner solution sit for about 15 minutes. For areas that have mildew, you’ll need to scrub with a brush.

Also, spray your shower door with a cleaning solution. You can wipe it off with a microfiber towel.

Clean the Sink

Spray the sink down with an all-purpose cleaner. If there is a lot of build-up and dirt, you can use a sponge to scrub the sink. Then, wipe everything down with a microfiber cloth.

Don’t forget to rinse and clean your toothbrush holder and soap holder, if you have one.

Clean the Toilet

Use a toilet cleaner for the bowl. Close the toilet bowl and let it sit for about 5 minutes while you wipe down the toilet.

Make sure to clean and wipe down the top of the toilet, the flush handle, and the bottom of the toilet as well. Then, use a toilet brush to scrub the inside of the toilet bowl.

Wipe Down Everything

Make sure to clean and wipe down the outside of the cabinets and bathroom vanity. Use anti-bacterial wipes to clean high-touch areas such as doorknobs, faucets, or the toilet flush handle.

In fact, the sink handle has more microorganisms than the toilet handle—600 times more!

Don’t forget to wipe down and dust the towel rack or any light fixtures. You can also wipe down the walls and doors.

Clean the Mirrors

Use a glass cleaner to spray and wipe down any mirrors. You can also wipe down your bathroom windows.

Another bathroom cleaning tip is to wipe down the window shelf to get rid of dust and debris.

Clean the Floors

Vacuum the floors to remove any dust, hairs, and other random items. Alternatively, you can also sweep the floor.

Depending on the type of bathroom flooring you have, use a floor cleaner and mop the floor. If your floor is particularly dusty and grimy, you might want to use a brush scrub some hard to reach areas, such as behind the toilet or in corners.

Be sure to dust and wipe down the baseboard as well.

Other Cleaning Tips

In addition to the above bathroom cleaning tips, you can also wipe down and clean your garbage can.

Remove the liner. Spray the inside and outside of the can with an all-purpose cleaner. Wipe down and dry.

Another bathroom cleaning tip is don’t forget to clean the shower curtain liner. You can wipe it down with a cleaning solution.

Replace Linens

If your linens are looking dingy, it might be time to replace them. Consider replacing your hand towels or bathroom mats. Your bathroom shower curtain or liner may also need to be replaced too.

Also, make sure to regularly wash your hand towels and bath towels. It’s recommended to wash your hand towels every two to three days.

These are items that are constantly being used to dry your hands or face. And, if you live with multiple people, you’re all using the same hand towel.

Moreover, bath towels should be washed about every three or four times you use them. They can get smelly, especially if they don’t properly dry between uses. Bath mats should be washed about every one to two weeks.

Organize Your Stuff

Once you’re done cleaning, it’s time to organize all your bathroom stuff. Start with the cabinets and drawers.

Remove everything and get rid of items that you no longer need. You can also insert liners in your cabinets to keep them neat. If you have a lot of bathroom items, you may want to save the organization for a rainy day.

Final Bathroom Cleaning Tip: Hire a Professional

With the above tips and a little bit of elbow grease, you can get the clean bathroom that you’ve always dreamed of.

However, if you’d rather save the time, we do have one final bathroom cleaning tip. You can hire a professional detailed cleaning service for help!

Why not leave the cleaning to the pros so you can focus on other things? Contact us for an instant online quote for our cleaning services.